MAA Soccer

soccer ball blue
Soccer Fields at Twin Oaks
MAA Soccer Fields at Twin Oaks Park
Walter Miller Soccer Complex Spring 2024
Chickenfoot Park Fields

Welcome to MAA Soccer!

2024 MAA Fall Soccer Registration is NOW open (see link to the left)

Important update: All families are required to pay a $50 family fee which can be earned back by volunteering to be a coach ($50 refund), assistant coach ($25 refund), team parent ($25 refund), help out building the fields ($25 refund per 2 hour shift), help line the fields ($25 hour shift) or help out at the snack stand ($25 refund per 2 hour shift).

Please note, your registration is not complete until you successfully submit payment. The system will keep your progress of any current registration(s), but your player will not be added to our system or be rostered on a team until registration is complete.


MAA Soccer is for all boys and girls ages 4-18 and focuses on building both individual soccer skills as well as teamwork and sportsmanship. Divisions are coed through age 7, and split into boys and girls teams and divisions for older kids. Divisions are broken up by birth year and can be read as under a certain age. U6 is under 6 meaning all players must not turn 6 during the fall season (they can during the spring season). See image below to determine division for your child.

We currently offer spring and fall soccer. Each child is provided a jersey and matching socks, some older divisions also get shorts.

Each player is required to have shin guards and cleats. An appropriate size ball is also a good idea but can be provided for younger ages. Ball Size requirements

  • U6 & U8 use Ball Size #3
  • U10 & U12 use Ball Size #4
  • U14 and up use Ball Size #5

Our practices and home games are held either at Twin Oaks Park or at Walter Miller Elementary. Younger divisions have their practices and games mostly at these locations. Older divisions could have away games at varying locations in the area.

Questions? Contact our Soccer Director at

MAA Soccer is for all boys and girls ages 4-18 and focuses on building both individual soccer skills as well as teamwork and sportsmanship. Divisions are coed through age 7, and split into boys and girls teams and divisions for older kids. Divisions are broken up by birth year and can be read as under a certain age. U6 is under 6 meaning all players must not turn 6 during the fall season (they can during the spring season). See image below to determine division for your child.

We currently offer spring and fall soccer. Each child is provided a jersey and matching socks, some older divisions also get shorts.

Each player is required to have shin guards and cleats. An appropriate size ball is also a good idea but can be provided for younger ages. Ball Size requirements

  • U6 & U8 use Ball Size #3
  • U10 & U12 use Ball Size #4
  • U14 and up use Ball Size #5

Our practices and home games are held either at Twin Oaks Park or at Walter Miller Elementary. Younger divisions have their practices and games mostly at these locations. Older divisions could have away games at varying locations in the area.

Questions? Contact our Soccer Director at